Welcome to the SNB Forest Products Marketing Board
We are dedicated to the sustainable management of your woodlot.
Welcome to the SNB Forest Products Marketing Board
We are dedicated to the sustainable management of your woodlot.
We are dedicated to the sustainable management of your woodlot.
We are dedicated to the sustainable management of your woodlot.
SNB Forest Products Marketing Board (SNBFPMB) was formed in 1979, and is the largest, of the seven marketing boards in New Brunswick. It represents over 8000 Private Woodlot Owners who collectively own approximately 1 million acres of forested land in the counties of Albert, Kings, Queens, Saint John, and the parish of Salisbury in Westmorland County.
Every person who owns or controls a private woodlot of 25 acres (10 hectares) or more is legally considered to be a woodlot owner. Every woodlot owner has a vote in the business of the Board at the Annual General Meeting and in the election of Directors at local Zone Meetings, held each spring.
The Marketing Board has legal powers to negotiate the terms of sale of forest products.
SNB Forest Products Marketing Board
PO Box 4969 Sussex, New Brunswick E4E 5L1
Tel: (506) 433-9866 Toll Free: 1-833-500-9866